Does McKee Library provide instructional and technical support for Mendeley?
No, McKee Library will only be providing access and instruction to RefWorks.
Is there a deadline for moving my content from Mendeley into RefWorks?
No. Mendeley is a free program. As such, your account will remain active with Mendeley as long as you would like. You can import your Mendeley library into Refworks using these directions:
1. Import your Mendeley citations into RefWorks by selecting the "Last Imported" in RefWorks. Select "Mendeley" in the middle screen. (If your screen does not look like the example below, you will need to select "Add" on the Last Imported tab, then select "Import References" to begin this process.)
2. Select "Authorize" to begin the process.
3. Enter your Mendeley username and password.
4. You will be taken back to RefWorks while your documents are imported. Please note, this process can take several minutes.
5. After importing, you will see a confirmation screen that details the items that were imported.