Instructions for when you have access to the PDF
If you have the PDF, please follow the instructions here to add it to RefWorks.
Instructions if you do not have the PDF
Exporting citations from Gale databases into RefWorks can be completed in a few simple steps. Be sure to log in to RefWorks prior to following these directions. We recommend viewing the Exporting References tutorial to see a demonstration of this process.
1. Select the article you would like to export.
2. Select "Cite" on the tools menu.
3. Select the style option from the top, then select "RefWorks" followed by "Select."
4. Select "Yes, export to the newest version of RefWorks."
5. Select the folder you would like to export the record to.
6. To add the full text of the document to the record, select the pencil icon in the upper right hand corner of the item detail box.
If you have not already saved the PDF to your computer, you will need to do that prior to the next step. To save the PDF from a Gale database, select the PDF icon, then download the file to your computer. We recommend saving the file by the authors last name.
7. Attach the PDF by selecting "Add an Attachment."
You will know the file is attaching when you see the blue progress bar. Please note, this process can take up to several minutes.