Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson: A Reluctant First LadyAlthough First Lady Rachel Jackson passed away a few months before the inauguration of President Elect Andrew Jackson, their marriage deeply affected Jackson-era Washington and the presidency itself. Rachel's legacy of a folksy, pioneer woman who loved home and church became an archetypal American image after her death, but the scandal of her failed first marriage and possibly premature remarriage to Andrew haunted her in life. Biographers’ treatment of Rachel has changed drastically over the nearly two centuries that have passed since her death, yet certain themes of marriage, morality, and class persist. Scholars agree that the scandals that surrounded Rachel and Andrew set the tone for a new kind of politicking in America. Rachel's successor and daughter-in-law Emily Donelson also faced scandals of marriage and morality, since she was a significant player in the Petticoat Affair—a political upheaval that rocked Jackson's Cabinet during his first presidential term. She, too, died before Jackson's presidency was through. A second daughter-in-law, Sarah Yorke Jackson, continued the duties of White House hostess until the end of Jackson's term.