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Mental Health: Disorders, Coping, & Healthy Habits: Substance-related Disorders

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Trauma-Informed Care for Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders

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Substance Use Disorder


Drugs and the Future

Drugs and the Future presents 13 reviews collected to present the new advances in all areas of addiction research, including knowledge gained from mapping the human genome, the improved understanding of brain pathways and functions that are stimulated by addictive drugs, experimental and clinical psychology approaches to addiction and treatment, as well as both ethical considerations and social policy. The book also includes chapters on the history of addictive substances and some personal narratives of addiction. Introduced by Sir David King, Science Advisory to the UK Government and head of the Office of Science and Technology, and Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the USA, the book uniquely covers the full range of disciplines which can provide insight into the future of addiction, from genetics to the humanities. Written for a scientific audience, it is also applicable to non-specialists as well.

At Wit's End

What you need to know when a loved one is diagnosed with addiction and mental illness

Ethnocultural Factors in Substance Abuse Treatment

This book presents a culturally informed framework for understanding and treating substance abuse problems. From expert contributors, chapters cover specific ethnocultural groups in the United States, including Americans of African, Native American, Latino, European, Middle Eastern, and Asian descent. Authors examine how ethnocultural factors may affect a person's attitudes toward alcohol and other drugs, patterns of substance use, reasons for seeking treatment, and responsiveness to various interventions. Themes addressed include the impact of migration and acculturation issues, spiritual values and traditions, family structures, gender roles, and experiences of prejudice and discrimination. Featuring a wealth of illustrative clinical material, the book makes concrete recommendations for more competent, effective assessment and intervention. It also guides clinicians toward greater awareness of the ways their own ethnocultural backgrounds may affect their interactions with clients.

Genes, Environment, and Psychopathology

This groundbreaking volume synthesizes the results of the Virginia Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders, which yielded longitudinal data on more than 9,000 individuals. The authors trace how risk for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, antisocial behavior, alcoholism, and substance abuse emerges from the interplay of a variety of genetic and environmental influences. Major questions addressed include whether risk is disorder-specific, how to distinguish between correlational and causal genetic and environmental factors, sex differences in risk, and how risk and protective factors interact over time.

Substance Use Counseling

ASubstance Use Counseling is intended for use in Substance Abuse Counseling and Drugs and Behavior courses or for practicing counselors and clinicians as an on-the-job resource. This package includes MyLab(tm) Counseling with the Enhanced Pearson eText and the bound book.   A step-by-step guide through the process of working with substance-abuse and/or behavioral addiction clients. Recognized for its clear, practical approach, Substance Use Counseling offers prospective and practicing clinicians and counselors a sound base of knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD), and practical help for working with individuals and families who seek assistance for substance abuse and/or behavioral addiction. While the chapters build on each other as they take readers through the counseling process, each chapter can also be used as a stand-alone resource. Illustrative case studies with critical-thinking questions give readers opportunities to examine and discuss a wide variety of cases. This popular guide also features individual chapters on special populations to delve further into the topic of substance abuse and address ways to measure the problem.   To keep readers up to date with the most current practices and trends shaping the field, the Sixth Edition reflects the changes in the DSM-5 related to the criteria for assessment and diagnosis of substance use disorders (including a new chapter on behavioral addictions and extensively updated terminology); the changing face of substance use; new effective treatment assessments, methods, and settings; and new chapter cases.