TheNew York Times bestseller from the author of Chasing the Scream, offering a radical new way of thinking about depression and anxiety. There was a mystery haunting award-winning investigative journalist Johann Hari. He was thirty-nine years old, and almost every year he had been alive, depression and anxiety had increased in Britain and across the Western world. Why? He had a very personal reason to ask this question. When he was a teenager, he had gone to his doctor and explained that he felt like pain was leaking out of him, and he couldn't control it or understand it. Some of the solutions his doctor offered had given him some relief--but he remained in deep pain. So, as an adult, he went on a forty-thousand-mile journey across the world to interview the leading experts about what causes depression and anxiety, and what solves them. He learned there is scientific evidence for nine different causes of depression and anxiety--and that this knowledge leads to a very different set of solutions: ones that offer real hope.
Use this collection of essays to help readers understand various issues relating to depression. Across three chapters, readers will evaluate the seriousness of depression, the causes, and what treatments should be used to address depression. Essays are arranged in a pro versus con format so that readers benefit from more than one intelligent opinion on each topic. This volume provides useful charts, graphs, and engaging fact boxes that provide at-a-glance information and questions that focus on vocabulary and reading comprehension. Further research is encouraged through annotated bibliographies, websites, and organizations to contact.
Pioneering in its cognitive approach to psychotherapy, this broad survey of all aspects of depression is considered definitive in its field. It includes a comprehensive review of symptomatology, biology, psychology, theories, and treatment of depression. Based on his own experimental findings, Dr. Beck has synthesized a new approach to depression that provides the rationale for the cognitive therapy of this disorder.
Experts from around the globe have been selected to present interdisciplinary coverage of all the essential issues related to depression, including use of medication, treatment therapies and models, symptoms of Depression, related disorders, and more. Entries are conveniently organized into subcategories in order to provide the most in-depth coverage of each subject.
Now in a revised and expanded second edition, this bestselling guide provides expert information and clear-cut strategies for assessing and treating internalizing problems in school settings. More than 40 specific psychoeducational and psychosocial intervention techniques are detailed, with a focus on approaches that are evidence based, broadly applicable, and easy to implement. Including 26 ready-to-use worksheets, in a large-size format with permission to photocopy, the second edition has been updated throughout to ensure its currency and clinical utility. Coverage of psychiatric medications has been extensively revised with the latest developments and findings. A new chapter addresses prevention-oriented social and emotional learning curricula for the classroom. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.