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World Trade Press: Using World Trade Press Databases: AtoZ Food America

A research guide covering how to utilize the various World Trade Press databases.

AtoZ Food America

If you think that spice is the variety of life and love American cuisine in its many forms, AtoZ Food America is the product for you. AtoZ Food America contains recipes in all course categories (appetizers, soups, salads, breads, main courses, side dishes, desserts, snacks, and beverages) for six US regions, all 50 states, and 33 ethnic cuisines. AtoZ Food America also covers food culture for the above regions, states, and ethnic cuisines with articles such as Classic Dishes, State Foods, Top Agricultural Products, Special Occasion Foods, Ethnic and Geographic Influences, Special Ingredients, and Food Trivia.


Accessing Content

To access the content, select the area of interest from the menu on the database's main page. Additional categories will become available after your selection. 



The menu at the top of the screen enables you to search and change the language, as seen below. 

How to Cite AtoZ Food America

Citation recommendations are provided on each page by selecting the "Cite this Document" button, as seen below. 


A pop-up box will appear with the recommended citation in the major citation formats.

McKee Library's Writing Center is a tremendous resource for learning how to cite images and other sources--reach out to them with further questions!