This course research guide links to multiple research guides created by McKee Library. Each guide includes access to primary source materials, books, databases, and reference works. Additional primary source collections are available under the topical tabs.
OneSearch (Search for books, journals, media, etc.)
Ancient and Medieval History Online covers prehistory through the 1500s. You will find biographies, events and topics, primary sources, timelines, maps, charts, images, and videos.
ArtStor is a digital library in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. This database includes over 700,000 images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes.
ATLA includes full-text coverage of major religion and theology journals is provided for more than 285,300 electronic articles and book reviews, from more than 150 journals selected by leading religion scholars in the United States.
Humanities Source Ultimate offers access to key content covering literary, scholarly, and creative thought. It also includes hundreds of scholarly full-text journals cited in leading subject indexes to round out student research.
JSTOR includes journal content, primary sources, images, and more across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.