W. Mark Felt, known as Deep Throat during the Watergate scandal, revealed his identity on May 31, 2005. Felt played a pivotal role in unraveling the information regarding Watergate as the primary secret source of information for Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. As a top FBI official, Felt "was, at heated moments during the scandal, in charge of finding the source of Woodward and Bernstein’s Watergate scoops" (The Nation).
Presents an examination of the author's long and complex relationship with the FBI official responsible for providing him with the details of the Watergate break-in, which ultimately resulted in the resignation of President Nixon.
Through the shadowy persona of "Deep Throat," FBI official Mark Felt became as famous as the Watergate scandal his "leaks" helped uncover. Best known through Hal Holbrook's portrayal in the film version of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's All the President's Men, Felt was regarded for decades as a conscientious but highly secretive whistleblower who shunned the limelight. Yet even after he finally revealed his identity in 2005, questions about his true motivations persisted. Max Holland has found the missing piece of that Deep Throat puzzle--one that's been hidden in plain sight all along. He reveals for the first time in detail what truly motivated the FBI's number-two executive to become the most fabled secret source in American history. In the process, he directly challenges Felt's own explanations while also demolishing the legend fostered by Woodward and Bernstein's bestselling account.
Learn why FBI agent Mark Felt was handpicked by J. Edgar Hoover and how Felt, disguised as Deep Throat, helped Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein trace the Watergate Scandal back to Nixon. At 91, Felt revealed himself as Deep Throat.