Jean Piaget is widely acknowledged as one of the most important scholars of the twentieth century. His passionate philosophical search for an understanding of the nature of knowledge led him to make major contributions to the study of child development and epistemology. But how did his early life in Neuchatel inspire him to embark on this search? Taking a socio-historical and cultural perspective, this book outlines the development of Piaget's understanding of major issues regarding mind, faith, science, logic, peace, and social rights in a time of anxiety. and world wars The international and multidisciplinary contributors investigate Piaget the adolescent as he begins his quest for autonomy of reason and sets out to create his own explanatory system for cognitive growth. The latter part of the book goes on to consider the early reception of Piaget's work in different cultural contexts and his impact on issues of psychology and educational reform. Piaget's theoretical system can be seen as an expression of the values he developed during his childhood and adolescence as he searched for the conditions of reciprocal relationships and rational dialogues. Jean Piaget and Neuchatel demonstrates that in today's climate, the questions Piaget addressed remain very relevant and invite new enquiries from different standpoints. This book will therefore be of interest to psychologists, educators, and philosophers. This book is published with the support of Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council."
Think of developmental psychology, and the name of Jean Piaget immediately springs to mind. His theory of learning lies at the very heart of the modern understanding of the human learning process, and he is celebrated as the founding father of child psychology. A prolific writer, is the author of more than fifty books and several hundred articles. The Psychology of Intelligence is one of his most important works. Containing a complete synthesis of his thoughts on the mechanisms of intellectual development, it is an extraordinary volume by an extraordinary writer. Given his significance, it is hardly surprising that Psychology Today pronounced Piaget the Best Psychologist of the twentieth century.
This book deals with the origins of intelligence in children and contains original observations on young children, novel experiments, brilliant in their simplicity,which the author describes in detail. Piaget divides the growth of intelligence into six sequential stages: the use of reflexes; the first acquired adaptations and primary circular reaction; secondary circular reactions and the child's procedures for prolonging spectacles interesting to him.