Winner of the Pfizer Award from the History of Science Society "Contrary to legend, Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) never trained a dog to salivate to the sound of a bell."So begins this definitive, deeply researched biography of Ivan Pavlov. Daniel P. Todes fundamentally reinterprets the Russian physiologist's famous research on conditional reflexes and weaves his life, values, and science into the tumultuous century of Russian history-particularly that of its intelligentsia-from the reign of tsar Nicholas I to Stalin's time.Ivan Pavlov was born to a family of priests in provincial Riazan before the serfs were emancipated, and made his home and professional success in the booming capital of St. Petersburg in late imperial Russia. He suffered the cataclysmic destruction of his world during the Bolshevik seizure of power and civil war of 1917-21, rebuilt his life in his seventies as a "prosperous dissident" during the Leninist 1920s, and flourished professionally as never before in the 1930s industrialization, revolution, and terror of Stalin times.Using a wide variety of previously unavailable archival materials, Todes tells a vivid story of that life and redefines Pavlov's legacy. Pavlov was not, in fact, a behaviorist who believed that psychology should address only external behaviors; rather, he sought to explain the emotional and intellectual life of animals and humans, "the torments of our consciousness." This iconic "objectivist" was actually a profoundly anthropomorphic thinker whose science was suffused with his own experiences, values, and subjective interpretations.Todes's story of this powerful personality and extraordinary man is based upon interviews with surviving coworkers and family members (along with never-before-analyzed taped interviews from the 1960s and 1970s), examination of hundreds of scientific works by Pavlov and his coworkers, and close analysis of materials from some twenty-five archives. The materials range from the records of his student years at Riazan Seminary to the transcripts of the Communist Party cells in his labs, and from his scientific manuscripts and notebooks to his political speeches; they include revealing love letters to his future wife and correspondence with hundreds of scholars, artists, and Communist Party leaders; and memoirs by many coworkers, his daughter, his wife, and his lover.The product of more than twenty years of research, this is the first scholarly biography of the physiologist to be published in any language.
Twenty-five years of objective study of the higher nervous activity (behaviour) of animals, translated from the Russian by W. H. Gantt with the collaboration of G. Volborth and an introduction by W. B. Cannon.--v.2. Conditioned reflexes and psychiatry, translated and edited by W. H. Gantt.
Hailed as the "Prince of World Physiology," Ivan Pavlov continues to influence scientists today. His pioneering research on digestion, the brain, and behavior still provides important insights into the minds of animals--including humans--and is an inspiring example of imaginative experimental technique. Pavlov graduated from the theological seminary in his native Ryazan, Russia, in 1869 but almost immediately switched to medicine and enrolled at St. Petersburg University. He became interested in the physiology of circulation and digestion, which led him to the study of conditional and unconditional reflexes. He conducted thousands of experiments with dogs, developing a way to use a dogs salivary glands as a window through which to observe the workings of its brain.Pavlov lived through the Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed it. Lenin himself recognized his genius and provided financial backing for his research; the new Soviet government built a research complex dedicated exclusively to his experiments. Pavlov was honored for his contributions to science with the Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1904.Oxford Portraits in Science is an ongoing series of scientific biographies for young adults. Written by top scholars and writers, each biography examines the personality of its subject as well as the thought process leading to his or her discoveries. These illustrated biographies combine accessible technical information with compelling personal stories to portray the scientists whose work has shaped our understanding of the natural world.
Pavlov's fundamental theory of higher nervous activity concerns the adaptation to changing external environments of organisms such as dogs, apes, and humans. In the 1920s, Pavlov and his disciples used laboratory experimentation to study the etiology and therapy of neuroses In human beings and other species. Later, In the 1930s, Pavlov devoted much time and effort to the systematic study of psychopathology In clinical settings. Psychopathology and Psychiatry is Pavlov's little-known series of descriptions of these experiments and findings. Pavlov used two fundamental approaches In the study of neuroses and psychoses: the conditioned salivary reflex method, with dogs as subjects; and the observation of neurotic and psychotic behavior In humans. Pavlov was primarily Interested In how the cortex worked to facilitate the orgaftilsm's adaptation to the external environment. The conditioned reflex findings were explained In terms of hypothetical physiological processes. Pavlov was certain that dogs' Inability to adapt flexibly was the result of conflicts and traumatic experiences. Soon thereafter, he linked these discoveries to actual human cases of neuroses and psychoses. These are covered In this volume. In a new introduction to this classic text, George Windholz traces Pavlov's scholarly and scientific life, highlighting his various studies and results under stressful political and pedagogical conditions. Psychopathology and Psychiatry continues to be a highly significant work of scientific study. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and behavioral researchers of all professional persuasions will find this work to be essential reading.