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Psychologists & Famous Figures in Psychology: Albert Bandura


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Psychological Modeling

The Classic Edition of this key text highlights seminal work done in the subject of learning by modeling and offers an extensive review of the major theories, edited by one of the most influential psychologists of his generation. In his introductory essay, Bandura identifies the most important controversial issues in the field of observational learning and reviews a large body of research findings, before carefully chosen articles, written by a team of expert contributors, tackle a range of key debates in the field. Topics explored include the role of reinforcement play in observational learning, the scope of modeling influences, the types of people most susceptible to modeling influences, and the relative effectiveness of models presented in live action, in pictorial presentations, or through verbal description. Written in a lively and engaging manner, this book will be of interest to all psychology students interested in psychological modeling, as well as educators and professionals working with children.

Social Learning Theory

An exploration of contemporary advances in social learning theory with special emphasis on the important roles played by cognitive, vicarious, and self-regulatory processes.

Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer Patients

When this book first appeared in 1981, it was the first to deal comprehensively with major issues in the psychotherapeutic treatment of cancer patients. It remains the standard volume in the field, drawing together a broad spectrum of work using psychological approaches to treatment of cancer patients and to understanding the disease's sociological and psychological implications. Distinguished contributors from medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychology, social work, family and group therapy, and nursing examine key issues, including the role of aggression in the onset and treatment of cancer; sexual functioning of patients; cancer as an emotionally regressive experience, cancer in children, and the countertransference responses of a therapist working with a cancer patient. This volume will be of particular value to helping professionals who deal with cancer patients and their families.