Researching with PowerNotes is easy, just follow these 5 steps:
Step One: Install PowerNotes (Chrome or Firefox) and create your account. See the home tab for specific directions.
Step Two: Gather and save passages in your account. To get started, open a relevant website or PDF and use your curor to highlight text in the document. A notes box will appear where you can type notes (annotations). Use ctrl, alt, shift, or command + Enter to add line breaks in your outline.
Step Three: Use the sidebar to create your project (default name is New Project, but you can change it to whatever name you like). This space is where your highlights, notes, and source links will generate as you research.
Step Four: Create your project outline as you research.
Step Five: Using the PowerNotes Icon (Yellow P) to disable or enable the browser extension.
We recommend reviewing the video tutorials on this page to get the most out of your PowerNotes account.