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Medieval/Renaissance Classics: Cervantes


Don Quixote--The First of the Wannabes

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Museum of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra


Don Quijote de la Mancha

Un éxito desde el mismo momento de su publicación en 1604, Don Quijote es una obra maestra no ya de la literatura española sino de la literatura universal. Cuenta la historia de este hidalgo quien, enloquecido por la lectura de libros de caballerías, recorre España espada en mano en busca de aventura, justicia y gloria. Las múltiples interpretaciones de esta historia son, simplemente, el reflejo de su riqueza de significados y contenidos: una crítica de las novelas de caballerías, la contraposición entre el realismo y el idealismo, la primera novela moderna o una sátira de las ilusiones caballerescas. Infinitas lecturas caben en las divertidas e increíbles andanzas del ingenioso hidalgo, que reflejan la complejidad de lo humano y muestran el arte literario en su más depurada expresión.

Cervantes, Literature and the Discourse of Politics

What is the role of literature in the formation of the state? Anthony J. Cascardi takes up this fundamental question in Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics, a comprehensive analysis of the presence of politics in Don Quixote. Cascardi argues that when public speech is constrained, as it was in seventeenth-century Spain, politics must be addressed through indirect forms including comedy, myth, and travellers' tales. Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics convincingly re-engages the ancient roots of political theory in modern literature by situating Cervantes within a long line of political thinkers. Cascardi notably connects Cervantes's political theory to Plato's, much as the writer's literary criticism has been firmly linked to Aristotle's. He also shows how Cervantes's view of literature provided a compelling alternative to the modern, scientific politics of Machiavelli and Hobbes, highlighting the potential interplay of literature and politics in an ideal state.

Don Quixote: the Ormsby translation, revised, backgrounds and sources, criticism

Hailed by Dostoyevsky as "The final and greatest utterance of the human mind," Don Quixote constitutes a founding work of modern Western literature. Cervantes' masterpiece has been translated into more than sixty languages, and the novel's fantasy-driven "knight," Don Quixote, and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza, rank among fiction's most recognized characters.

Cervantes; His Life, His Times, His Works

Explores Cervantes' life and work and situate them in the perspective of Spain's golden age. Brilliantly illustrated in full color with examples of the art of the time, of the countryside the author knew, and of the work of the illustrators who have taken their inspiration from Don Quixote, the book is completed by a generous anthology of passages from the novel.

Miguel de Cervantes