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Environmental Challenges: Plant Conservation

A topic guide covering environmental change, including light pollution, conservation, waste management, activism, and wildlife.

About Plant Biodiversity

Conservation of Amazon Plants


Principles and Practice of Plant Conservation

It is paradoxical that, despite the key role of plants in the book's preparation by reviewing manuscripts or the environment and our dependence on plant life for providing literature and case studies for inclusion. our very existence, the conservation movement has The preparation of the text, which went through var­ not given plants attention that is commensurate with ious drafts, involved Dr. Given in a great deal of re­ their importance. In an attempt to redress the balance search and travel for fact finding and consultation. of effort between plant and animal conservation, The completed draft was edited by Martin Walters, IUCN and WWF established in 1984 a joint Plant who also prepared it for publication. Professor Ver­ Conservation Programme, the aim of which was to non Heywood (IUCN) undertook a scientific edit of "assert the fundamental importance of plants in all the final draft. conservation activities:' Both IUCN and WWF would like to express their gratitude to Dr. Given for the enormous effort and One of the main themes of the joint Plant Conser­ painstaking labor that he has invested in the prepara­ vation Programme was "building the capacity to con­ serve. " This included a project, "Plant Conservation: tion of this book over a period of six years. The result Principles and Practice," aimed at providing practic­ is the first detailed overview ever to be published of ing conservationists with a handbook that explained this vitally important subject.

Controlling Tropical Deforestation

Tropical rain forest is being cleared so rapidly and on such a scale that it is a major global environmental problem, threatening the survival of half of the world's plant and animal species and contributing to global climate change through the greenhouse effect. But, despite widespread concern for over twenty years, only limited progress has been made in controlling deforestation and improving forest management in the humid tropics.  In this book Alan Grainger offers afresh analysis of the causes of deforestation and presents an integrated strategy for controlling it. His strategy embraces agriculture, forestry and conservation and stresses the need for changes in government policies if land use is to be made more sustainable and the underlying causes of the problem are to be addressed. Controlling Tropical Deforestation is essential reading for policy makers, agronomists, foresters, conservationists and development professionals. To general readers and students on introductory courses at schools and universities it also offers the first concise but comprehensive overview of the causes, scale and consequences of deforestation. Originally published in 1992

Plant Conservation Genetics

A practical guide that covers both in situ and ex situ techniques for plant diversity conservation The conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources is of increasing importance globally. Plant Conservation Genetics addresses this issue by providing an extensive overview of this emerging area of science, exploring various pr

Working Forests in the Neotropics

By focusing on a set of critical issues and case studies, this book explores of the polarized debate over production-oriented forestry and the chances of achieving forest conservation through sustainable management.

Plant Conservation

In this, the latest in the People and Plants series, plant conservation is described in the context of livelihoods and development, and ways of balancing the conservation of plant diversity with the use of plants and the environment for human benefit are discussed. A central contention in this book is that local people must be involved if conservation is to be successful.Also examined are ways of prioritizing plants and places for conservation initiatives, approaches to in situ and ex situ conservation, and how to approach problems of unsustainable harvesting of wild plants. Roles for botanists, foresters, sociologists, development workers and others are discussed.This book acts as a unifying text for the series, integrating case studies and methodologies considered in previous volumes and pointing out in a comprehensive, accessible volume the valuable lessons to be learned.

Plant Extinction Statistics

Infographic: Plants are going extinct at a 'frightening' rate | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Congo: Protecting the Gorilla Forests—Paradise Preserved

Online Resources