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Slavery & Abolition: Nat Turner's Rebellion

A research topic guide covering the history of slavery in the United States and key abolitionists.


Nat Turner's Rebellion

This part of the series presents the reaction by individuals and parties to the continued use of slave labor.

Source: Kanopy

Research & Reference

Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property

Nat Turner’s slave rebellion is a watershed event in America’s long and troubled history of slavery and racial conflict. This program deftly weaves academic commentary with dramatizations to examine that violent confrontation and the multiple, conflicting ways its story has been told. The earliest source of Turner imagery, The Confessions of Nat Turner, was based on jail cell interviews by a white lawyer and was the first to raise the question that continued to be asked for the next two centuries: Was Nat Turner a brilliant religious leader or a deluded fanatic leading slaves to their doom? With Henry Louis Gates Jr., Vincent Harding, Alvin Poussaint, Ossie Davis, and others. Some content may be objectionable. (60 minutes)

Source: Films on Demand