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Greek & Roman Mythology: Gods and Goddesses: Poseidon/Neptune


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The Odyssey in Athens

A study in poetic interaction, The Odyssey in Athens explores the ways in which narrative structure and parallels within and between epic poems create or disclose meaning. Erwin F. Cook also broadens the scope of this intertextual approach to include the relationship of Homeric epic to ritual. Specifically he argues that the Odyssey achieved its form as a written text within the context of Athenian civic cults during the reign of Peisistratos. Focusing on the prologue and the Apologoi (Books 9-12), Cook shows how the traditional Greek polarity between force and intelligence informs the Odyssean narrative at all levels of composition. He then uses this polarity to explain instances of Odyssean self-reference, allusions to other epic traditions--in particular the Iliad--and interaction between the poem and its performance context in Athenian civic ritual. This detailed structural analysis, with its insights into the circumstances and meaning of the Odyssey's composition, will lead to a new understanding of the Homeric epics and the tradition they evoked.

Gods and Goddesses of Greece and Rome

Represents a wide range of deities in the Greek and Roman pantheons, from Zeus and Jupiter to Eos and Quirinus. Includes discussions of the significance of the given deities, the mythology surrounding them, and the forms of worship associated with them.

The Everything Classical Mythology Book

Romance, betrayal, passion, tragedy, violence, and scandal. No, it's not the latest reality TV search for love--it's classical mythology. For years, people have turned to the ancient Greek and Roman myths for entertaining reading, unbelievable storylines, unique characters, and unparalleled drama. This guide explains the great stories and how they still influence literature, entertainment, and everyday life. From heroes and heroines to monsters and villains, this entertaining guide covers it all. Inside, you will learn how: The Greeks defeated the Titans Odysseus tricked the Cyclops Hercules accomplished the twelve labors Peruses slew Medusa The Greeks bested the Trojans Hades abducted Persephone Bellerophon killed the Chimera With an easy reference chart of the gods and goddesses and their interrelations, this action-packed book helps you bring classical mythology to life!

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