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Human & Animal Experimentation & Ethics: Animal Subject Experimentation

Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986


The Animal Experimentation Debate

Reviewing the topic from antiquity to the present day, this book examines the debate over the use of animals in research in a fair and balanced way. The debate over the use of nonhuman animals in experimental research has gone on for centuries, and it continues as vigorously today as it ever has. In fact, in the last decade, the controversy has intensified, making animal testing a topic at the highest level of debate of any socioscientific issue in the United States. This book presents all sides of the issue so that readers can come to their own conclusions as to the morality and validity of animal experimentation, and provides biographies of individuals and descriptions of organizations that have been involved in the debate over the centuries. Additionally, it documents the historical shift in thinking that made animal experimentation commonplace between the time of the ancient Greeks and the 19th century, to the mindset of some who argue for an end to the practice and alternative ways of conducting medical experimentation to benefit human health. Presents an introduction to the history of scientific research utilizing animals and a thorough review of current issues relating to animal experimentation Provides perspectives in which stakeholders in the field outline and explain their personal views on animal testing Supplies an extensive annotated bibliography of books, articles, reports, and online resources Includes profiles of important individuals and organizations Provides an outstanding resource for secondary school students, undergraduates, or general readers with an interest in medical and biological research or animal welfare

Animal Experimentation

Few issues are more laden with emotion and controversy than the question of whether apes, and chimpanzees in particular, should continue to be used as subjects in biomedical research. This volume examines issues related to animal experimentation. Topics of discussion include whether medical progress depends on animal research, whether rats and mice are important for Cancer research, whether new technologies can replace testing all together, and whether the Animal Welfare Act protects animals from abuse in scientific research.

Animal Experimentation

The direct mail campaigns of powerful animal rights lobbies and their guerrilla tactics against animal laboratories certainly demonstrate where they stand. Equally compelling are those who argue that medical progress and consumer safety are significantly enhanced by research using animals. This balanced collection focuses attention on the clash of opposing positions in this national debate, whose intensity is sure to weigh heavy on society as demands for more research make the need for rational, informed discussion all the more urgent.

Animal Experimentation

The use of companion animals such as dogs in medical experiments has intensified the debate about animal testing. Doctors, researchers, and activists argue whether or not animals should be experimented on in the following chapters: Do Animals Have Rights? Is Animal Experimentation Justified? How Should Animal Experimentation Be Conducted? Should Scientists Pursue New Forms of Animal Experimentation?

Laboratory Animal Medicine

Laboratory Animal Medicine, Third Edition, is a fully revised publication from the American College of Laboratory Medicine's acclaimed blue book series. It presents an up-to-date volume that offers the most thorough coverage of the biology, health, and care of laboratory animals. The book is organized by species, with new inclusions of chinchillas, birds, and program and employee management, and is written and edited by known experts in the fields. Users will find gold-standard guidance on the study of laboratory animal science, as well as valuable information that applies across all of the biological and biomedical sciences that work with animals.

The Case for Animal Experimentation

An evolutionary and ethical perspective.

Why Animals Are Needed in Research

Animal Welfare Act

The Ethics of Animal use in Research