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Pandemics, Epidemics, and Vaccines: History, Science, & Controversies: Vaccine Science & Development

A research topic guide covering pandemics and epidemics as well as the history, science, and controversies of vaccines.


Research & Reference

Vaccination Benefits-How Well Vaccines Work

Vaccines are perhaps the single safest and most effective preventive health measure ever devised. In the first of two episodes on this subject, learn the history of vaccination, what types of vaccines doctors use to stave off specific diseases, and why some people still question whether this technique works.

Source: Kanopy


History of Vaccine Development

Vaccinology, the concept of a science ranging from the study of immunology to the development and distribution of vaccines, was a word invented by Jonas Salk. This book covers the history of the methodological progress in vaccine development and to the social and ethical issues raised by vaccination. Chapters include "Jenner and the Vaccination against Smallpox," "Viral Vaccines," and "Ethical and Social Aspects of vaccines." Contributing authors include pioneers in the field, such as Samuel L. Katz and Hilary Koprowski. This history of vaccines is relatively short and many of its protagonists are still alive. This book was written by some of the chief actors in the drama whose subject matter is the conquest of epidemic disease.

DNA Vaccination/Genetic Vaccination

Genetic / DNA immunization represents a novel approach to vaccine and immune therapeutic development. The direct injec­ tion of nucleic acid expression cassettes into a living host results in a limited number of its cells becoming factories for production of the introduced gene products. This host-inappropriate gene expression has important immunological consequences, resulting in the specific immune activation of the host against the gene­ delivered antigen. The recent demonstration by a number of laboratories that the induced immune responses are functional in experimental models against both specific infectious diseases and cancers is likely to have dramatic consequences for the develop­ ment of a new generation of experimental vaccines and immune therapies. This technology has the potential to enable the pro­ duction of vaccines and immune-based therapies that are not only effective immunologically but are accessible to the entire world (rather than just to the most developed nations). Vaccine Development Vaccination against pathogenic microorganisms represents one of the most important advances in the history of medicine. Vaccines, including those against polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, pertussis and other diseases, have dramatically improved and protected more human lives than any other avenue of modern medicine. The vaccine against smallpox, for example, has been so successful that it is now widely believed that this malicious killer, responsible for more deaths in the twentieth century than World Wars I and II combined, has been removed from the face of the earth.

How do vaccines work? - Kelwalin Dhanasarnsombut


Learn the science behind how vaccines trigger an immune response and teach our bodies to recognize dangerous pathogens.


Science of Vaccines
