This guide includes a collection of resources on the Holocaust, which took place during World War II.
Sadly, many individuals doubt or even deny that the Holocaust was a real event. According to an article written by The Guardian, "Almost two-thirds of young American adults do not know that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, and more than one in 10 believe Jews caused the Holocaust, a new survey has found, revealing shocking levels of ignorance about the greatest crime of the 20th century."
This guide is not comprehensive and only scratches the surface on the materials available to research and study this important historical event. We encourage you to view the resource available on the links below to learn more. Additionally, the Research & Resources tab provides a list of primary sources and McKee Library databases. A reading list of titles available at McKee Library is also linked on this guide.
Historical Abstracts with Full Text covers world history from the 15th century to the present. Covers related disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, and sociology. You will find full-text coverage of more than 540 journals and 140 books, with indexing for 2,300 journals in over 40 languages.
History Vault provides a first-hand look at pivotal moments in history. You will find primary source materials from the University Publications of America (UPA) Collection.
Humanities Source Ultimate offers access to key content covering literary, scholarly, and creative thought. It also includes hundreds of scholarly full-text journals cited in leading subject indexes to round out student research.
The Military and Government Collection offers current literature for military members, analysts, policymakers, students and researchers. You will find full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government.