This tutorial shows you how to narrow a research topic within Gale Academic OneFile.
Gale's Topic Finder helps you visualize connections between search terms and topics and view relevant articles for those topics. This tool takes the titles, subjects, and approximately the first 100 words from a subset of your top results and feeds them into an algorithm. Keywords shown in the graphics are those found most often in the text with your search term.
The topic for “Illinois” might bring up expected connections from the text like “Chicago,” along with unexpected but commonly related terms like “water,” “steel,” and the names of people who appear frequently in documents about Illinois.
Let’s take a look at one of the results in our search. As you can see below we can see the TITLE, AUTHOR, and SOURCE of the article, in this case “A SNaPshot assay for rapid and simple detection of hepatitis B virus genotypes.” By Guogi Lai, etal. published in Molecular Medicine Reports.
Click on the article TITLE to see more detailed information. Again you can see the TITLE, AUTHOR, and SOURCE. In addition you can now view the ABSTRACT. An ABSTRACT is a brief summary of the article which allows you to see what the article is about without having to read the whole thing. To access the article, click on the FULL TEXT icon on the top right of the page.