EBSCO databases feature three search boxes by default. Additional boxes can be added as needed.
The default search option in the drop-down box is "All Fields," which searches the full text of the results. Other options include abstract (summary of the article), author, subject terms, title, and more.
Below the search boxes, you will find additional search options. These various options allow you to limit or expand your search results before viewing the result list. Depending on the databases you are searching, you may see the ability to limit results by Full Text articles, Peer Reviewed materials, or a particular publication. After applying limiters and expanders, click Search.
Researchers use a controlled vocabulary called subject terms to identify related concepts. Subject terms work like hashtags and are assigned to articles by the database indexers.
The best way to discover subject terms is to click on the title of a relevant article and look at the listed terms, as seen below. This article has clickable links for each subject term.
Another way is to use the subject terms limiter on the left-hand side of the results screen in a database, as seen to the right. This tool can help you refine your results to those most relevant to your topic.