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COVID-19: Face Masks

Resources and information pertaining to COVID-19, including resources on the COVID-19 vaccine, face masks, immunity, and university resources.

Face Masks & COVID-19

Face masks have becoming a point of contention for many individuals. This recommendation is not a novel idea, as it was used in the past during the Spanish Flu outbreak. 

Some individuals contest that the use of a face mask increases CO2 levels in the body. According to the CDC, "Cloth masks and surgical masks do not provide an airtight fit across the face. The CO2 escapes into the air through the mask when you breathe out or talk. CO2 molecules are small enough to easily pass through mask material. In contrast, the respiratory droplets that carry the virus that causes COVID-19 are much larger than CO2, so they cannot pass as easily through a properly designed and properly worn mask." 

Face Mask Information & Statistics

Research Articles (University Log-in Required)

How Masks Work

Spanish Flu Face Mask: A Century's Crusade Against A Pandemic

During one of the deadliest pandemics in human history - The Spanish Influenza, the then San Francisco Mayor singed The Mask Ordinance - the first order requiring the wearing of face masks in public in the United States.

Source: AVON