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Artstor: Using ArtStor Digital Library: Using Artstor Images in Papers

A research guide covering how to utilize the Artstor database.

Using Images in Papers

This page outlines how you can use Artstor images in papers, including:

  • Downloading images
  • General information about citing images
  • Citing Artstor images in papers
  • Using Artstor images in publications

Using Artstor Images in Publications

If you are looking to use an image you find in Artstor in a publication (a book, scholarly journal article, or thesis/dissertation that will be posted on the open web or otherwise published), you must contact the image owner. It is important to note that Artstor does not own the images in the Digital Library; they are owned by the institutions who graciously contribute them to our database. Contact information is located in the “rights” field in the image’s metadata. In rare instances when the rights field does not provide traceable contact information, please reach out to us at and we will assist you in finding the image owner.

Downloading Images

To include an image from Artstor in a paper, first you must download it. In order to download an image from Artstor you need a registered account.

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Open the image you want to download
  3. On the right, click “download”
  4. Images in Artstor download as a minimum 1024 pixels on the longest side of the image.
  5. You can also share a link to an image in Artstor by opening the image and clicking “Link.” The image’s URL will be saved to your clipboard, or you can copy the URL by right clicking.