God's ideal for the health and happiness of humanity. Speaker Doug Batchelor.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fanqgAsmeps
Here are 8 secrets for totally changing your life and feeling alive and healthy again.
Respected historian of science Ronald Numbers here examines one of the most influential, yet least examined, religious leaders in American history -- Ellen G. White, the enigmatic visionary who founded the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Numbers scrutinizes White's life (1827-1915), from her teenage visions and testimonies to her extensive advice on health reform, which influenced the direction of the church she founded. This third edition features a new preface and two key documents that shed further light on White -- transcripts of the trial of Elder Israel Dammon in 1845 and the proceedings of the secret Bible Conferences in 1919.
Research into the role of diet in chronic disease can be difficult to interpret. Measurement errors in different studies often produce conflicting answers to the same questions. Seventh-day Adventists and other groups with many vegetarian members are ideal study populations because they havea wide range of dietary habits that adds poer and clarity to research findings. This book analyzes the results of such studies, focusing on heart disease and cancer. These studies support the benefits of a vegetarian diet and in addition provide evidence about the effects of individual foods andfood groups on disease risk that is relevant to all who are interested in good health. Fraser places the findings in athe broader context of well-designed nutritional studies of the general population. He discusses the degree of confidence we can have in particular relationships between diet anddisease based on the strength of the evidence. While this is a scholarly book, it is written in clear English and contains an extensive glossary so that it should be accessible to a wide audience.
In your daily living, watching your lifestyle, choose to do the best things. What does that mean? Exercise. Exercise is very important. You don't have to exercise with people, in fact, you should maintain social distancing. At least six feet from others. But, it doesn't mean that you have to stop moving.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_v87KgPGbM