Films on Demand
  • Remote Access for Students, Faculty, and Staff Only
Films on Demand Films on Demand
  • Remote Access for Students, Faculty, and Staff Only


Films On Demand streaming video for colleges and universities provide every academic department on campus with the most essential video titles. You will find 24/7 access to numerous streaming films for each academic field.

More Info

Learn more about Films on Demand using the resources below:

Embed/Link Videos

To embed a Films video, click on the  Share button, followed by  Embed/Link.  You will be given both the embed code and permalink (stable URL) You will paste that code/link within the learning management system or webpage. 

Other Media Options

McKee Library boasts a large collection of physical and streaming media titles. DVDs, VHS, and select streaming films are searchable on the library's catalog. Learn more on our website. 
